Essential microbiology for wound care / edited by Valerie Edwards-Jones, Emeritus Professor of Medical Microbiology School of Healthcare Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Clinical Director, MelBec Microbiology Ltd, Haslingden Rossendale, Lancashire, UK. - 1 online resource : illustrations

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Cover ; Contents; List of Contributors; 1 Introduction; Valerie Edwards-Jones; 2 Microbiology: the basics; Valerie Edwards-Jones; 3 Collection, transport, and laboratory processing of wound, tissue, and bone samples; Geoff Edwards-Jones; 4 Acute versus chronic wounds: microbiological differences; Richard White; 5 Wound pathogens; Valerie Edwards-Jones; 6 Understanding biofilms; Rose Cooper; 7 Antimicrobial agents used in wound care; Chris Roberts; 8 Dressings used in wound care; Madeleine Flanagan; 9 Infection prevention and control; Martin Kiernan; 10 Treatment strategies for wound infection. Jacqui Fletcher, Keith Harding, and Alastair Richards11 Future of wound care; Valerie Edwards-Jones, Chris Roberts, Richard White, and Madeline Flanagan; Index.

Wound healing is a complex process which is further complicated by the influence of microorganisms. Most wounds become contaminated following the initial trauma but only small numbers develop infection. This book covers the microbiology of wounds, describing the different groups of microorganisms, reproduction, isolation, and identification. Antimicrobial agents, systemic and topical, are described in detail and a chapter covers the role of biofilms. Other chapters cover infection control issues, the role of dressings and effective usage to help manage infection, wound management, and the healing stages in acute and chronic wounds. The final chapter focusses on current and future trends of wound management.

9780191025075 0191025070 9780191784231 0191784230

Wounds and injuries--Microbiology.
Wounds and injuries--Treatment.
Wounds and injuries--Infections.
Wounds and Injuries--microbiology.
MEDICAL--Infection Control.
Wounds and injuries--Infections.
Wounds and injuries--Microbiology.
Wounds and injuries--Treatment.

Electronic books.



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