Ideas in motion in Baghdad and beyond : philosophical and theological exchanges between Christians and Muslims in the third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuries /
edited by Damien Janos.
- 1 online resource
- Islamic history and civilization, volume 124 0929-2403 ; .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
List of Contributors; Introduction; Chapter 1 The Syriac Aristotelian Tradition and the Syro-Arabic Baghdad Philosophers; Chapter 2 Palestinian Origenism and the Early History of the Maronites: In Search of the Origins of the Arabic Theology of Aristotle; Chapter 3 Some Observations about the Transmission of Popular Philosophy in Egyptian Monasteries after the Islamic Conquest; Chapter 4 The Concept of aql in Early Arabic Christian Theology: A Case for the Early Interaction between Philosophy and kal�am. Chapter 5 "Active Nature" and Other Striking Features of Ab�u Bishr Matt�a ibn Y�unus's Cosmology as Reconstructed from His Commentaryon Aristotle's PhysicsChapter 6 Between Hellenism, Islam, and Christianity: Ab�u Bakr al-R�az�i and His Controversies with Contemporary Mu tazilite Theologians as Reported by the Ash arite Theologian and Philosopher Fakhr al-D�in al-R�az�i; Chapter 7 Theology as a Rational Science: Aristotelian Philosophy, the Christian Trinity and Islamic Monotheism in the Thought of Ya�hy�a ibn Ad�i. Chapter 8 What Does Taw�h�id Mean? Ya�hy�a ibn Ad�i's Treatise on the Affirmation of the Unity of God between Philosophy and TheologyChapter 9 Movement as "Discrete": Ya�hy�a ibn Ad�i as a Source for the Ikhw�an al-�Saf�a?; Chapter 10 A Newly Discovered Ya�hy�a ibn Ad�i Treatise against Atomism; Chapter 11 Aristotelian Cosmology and Causality in Classical Arabic Philosophy and Its Greek Background; Appendix; Index of Names and Places; Index of Subjects.
9789004306264 9004306269
Islam--Relations--Christianity. Christianity and other religions--Islam. Islamic philosophy. Christian philosophy. Philosophy, Medieval--Islamic influences. PHILOSOPHY--Eastern. Christian philosophy. Christianity. Interfaith relations. Islam. Islamic philosophy. Philosophy, Medieval--Islamic influences.