Blyth, Dougal.

Aristotle's ever-turning world, in Physics 8 : analysis and commentary / by Dougal Blyth. - 1 online resource - Philosophia antiqua, 141 0079-1687 ; .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Front Matter -- General Introduction -- Terminology and Symbolism in the Analyses -- The Everlastingness of Movement -- Defence against Three Objections -- Redefined Inquiry into Movement and Rest -- The Universality of a Cause of Movement -- Unmoved First Causes of Movement -- The Everlasting Causes of Movement -- The Priority of Locomotion -- The Unique Continuity of Rotation -- The Priority of Rotation -- The First Mover and First Moved Body Again -- Physics 8: Complete Translation -- Analytic Subdivision of Chapters -- Bibliography -- Indexes.

In Aristotle���s Ever-turning World in Physics 8 Dougal Blyth analyses, passage by passage, Aristotle���s reasoning in his explanation of cosmic movement, and provides a detailed evaluation of ancient and modern commentary on this centrally influential text in the history of ancient and medieval philosophy and science. In Physics 8 Aristotle argues for the everlastingness of the world, and explains this as deriving from a single first moved body, the sphere of the stars whose rotation around the earth is caused by an immaterial prime mover. Blyth���s explanation of Aristotle���s individual arguments, techniques of reasoning and overall strategy in Physics 8 aims to bring understanding of his method, doctrines and achievements in natural philosophy to a new level of clarity.

9789004302389 9004302387

Aristotle. Book 8. Physics.

Physics (Aristotle)

Science, Ancient.
Physics--Early works to 1800.
Motion--Early works to 1800.
Science, Ancient.
Physica (Aristoteles)

Electronic books.
Early works.
Commentaren (vorm)

Q151.A73 / B59 2015eb