Advances in applied physics research /
Gabriel Waters, editor.
- 1 online resource.
- Physics research and technology .
- Physics research and technology. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Radiation effects in piezoelectric AlGaN/GaN heterostructures / S.J. Pearton, Ya-Shi Hwang and F. Ren (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, and others) -- Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between CdTe quantum dots and organic dye / Fang Li (Laboratory of Optical Information and Technology, School of Science, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China) -- Band offsets in dielectric/InGaZnO4 thin film transistors / David C. Hays, Zachary McCracken, Matthew Anderson, B.P. Gila, S.J. Pearton and Hyun Cho (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, and others).