Recherches am�erindiennes au Qu�ebec [electronic resource].
Bulletin d'information Dec. 1971-June 1972
- [Montr�eal] : [Recherches am�erindiennes au Qu�ebec], [1971?-]
- 4 no. a year, 1976-
- Five no. a year, 1971-1975
- Vol. 1, no 1-
Title from cover. Some issues have distinctive titles.
License restrictions may limit access.
Some no. are combined.
English and French.
= Recherches am�erindiennes au Qu�ebec
Soci�et�e des recherches am�erindiennes au Qu�ebec, c.p. 123, succursale G, Montr�eal, Qu�ebec H2W 2M9
100969439 DNLM
Indians of North America--Qu�ebec (Province)--Periodicals. Indians of North America--Newfoundland and Labrador--Periodicals. Inuit--Qu�ebec (Province)--Periodicals. Inuit--Newfoundland and Labrador--Periodicals. Anthropology--Qu�ebec (Province)--Periodicals. Anthropology. Indians of North America. Inuit. Indian Reservations--Quebec (Province)--Periodicals.