Title from cover. Published: Berlin, Germany : Springer, 1991-2001; Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany : European Geophysical Society, 2001-<2002>; Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany : European Geosciences Union, <2003->
License restrictions may limit access.
Some no. combined.
Chiefly in English; some also in French.
Official journal of the European Geophysical Society <-2002>; Issued by the European Geosciences Union <2003->
Merger of: Annales geophysicae. Series A, Upper atmosphere and space sciences, and part of: Annales geophysicae. Series B, Terrestrial and planetary physics. Section on solid earth geophysics continued by: Annali di geofisica (Bologna, Italy : 1993).
= Annales geophysicae (1988)
= Ann. geophys. (1988)