Sowizral, Henry A., 1955-

The Java 3D API specification / Henry Sowizral, Kevin Rushforth, Michael Deering. - 2nd ed. - Boston, MA ; Singapore : Addison-Wesley, c2000. - 653 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.). - Java series .

Includes index. Accompanying CD-ROM held at Circulation Desk ; DD746.

"This book represents the definitive Java 3D API specification, providing authoritative and detailed descriptions of each element of the API. It offers an informative overview of the Java 3D API, comprehensive instructions for "scene graph" definition and construction, and a detailed description of the Java 3D View Model, an innovative model enabling applications to be displayed on a wide array of devices." "The book also features a variety of input devices, picking mechanisms, audio capabilities, and behaviors and interpolators for animating objects. The Java 3D Execution and Rendering Model is described in depth. Other topics covered include math objects, 3D geometry compression, and exceptions. The accompanying CD-ROM, new to this edition, contains numerous live examples." "Comprehensive and definitive, this book is an essential reference for any programmer interested in entering the exciting world of three-dimensional Internet applications."--BOOK JACKET.

System requirements for accompanying computer disc: Windows 98/NT/2000.


Computer graphics.
Java (Computer program language)