Science and technology for the built environment [electronic resource].
- Philadelphia, PA : Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of ASHRAE, 1995-
- Eight times a year
- Bimonthly Quarterly
- Began with: Vol. 1, issue 1 (1995).
ASHRAE's journal of archival research.
License restrictions may limit access.
Some numbers issues with supplements.
An official journal of ASHRAE.
= Science and technology for the built environment (Online)
= Sci. technol. built environ. (Online)
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 $47.58 (single issue) $346 (institutional, print and online)
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Heating--Periodicals. Ventilation--Periodicals. Air conditioning--Periodicals. Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery--Periodicals. Indoor air quality--Periodicals. Indoor air quality Air conditioning. Heating. Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery. Ventilation.