Philosophy today [electronic resource]. - [Celina, Ohio : Messenger Press, Society of the Most Precious Blood, 1957-] Chicago, Ill. : Philosophy Department of DePaul University - Quarterly - Began with: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1957).

"A quarterly survey of trends and research in philosophy directed to the interests of scholars and teachers within the Christian tradition."

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Vol. 41-44 (1997-2000) accompanied by supplement; supplement for v. 45 (2001)- is called SPEP supplement and also carries numbering as the volume's fifth issue.

Vols. for 1957-<75> issued by the Priests of the Most Precious Blood under a variant name: Society of the Precious Blood. Vols. for <1988-> issued by the Philosophy Department of DePaul University.

2329-8596 = Philosophy today (Celina. Online) = Philos. today (Celina. Online)

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