EventDV the authority for event videographers. [electronic resource] : Event DV - Wilton, CT : Online, 2005-�2011. - 10 issues per year, 2010-2011 - Eleven issues per year, 2009 Monthly, 2005-2008 - Vol. 18, no. 1 (Jan. 2005)-v. 24, no. 10 (Dec. 2011).

License restrictions may limit access.

2169-0383 = EventDV (Online)

Information Today, 88 Danbury Road, Suite 1D, Wilton, CT 06897


2189010-9 DE-600

Interactive multimedia--Publishing--United States--Periodicals.
Digital cinematography--Periodicals.
Video recordings--Production and direction--Periodicals.
Digital cinematography.
Interactive multimedia--Publishing.
Video recordings--Production and direction.

United States.

Electronic journals.

Z286.O68 / .E45 TR860 / .E9
