The ecologist [electronic resource].
- Wadebridge, Cornwall, UK : Cambridge, MA : Ecosystems Ltd. ; Distributed in North America by the MIT Press
- Monthly (except Aug./Sept. and Jan./Feb.), July 1999-
- Ten no. a year, -1980 6 no. a year, 1981-May/June 1999
- Print began with v. 9, no. 3 (May/June 1979). Ceased with: no. 36 (June 2012).
"Journal of the post industrial age." Distributor varies. Beginning in 2009, available online only.
License restrictions may limit access.
Volume numbering ceased with: Vol. 39, no. 6 (July 2009). New numbering began with No. 1 (July 2009).
Journal of the Wadebridge Ecological Centre,
Print version formed by the union of: Ecologist quarterly, and: New ecologist, and continues the numbering of the latter. Merged with Resurgence to form: Resurgence & ecologist.
Ecology--Periodicals. Human ecology--Periodicals. Pollution--Periodicals. Nature--Effect of human beings on--Periodicals. Environmental protection--Periodicals. Industries--Environmental aspects--Periodicals. �Ecologie--P�eriodiques. Homme--Influence sur la nature--P�eriodiques. Ecology. Environmental protection. Human ecology. Industries--Environmental aspects. Nature--Effect of human beings on. Pollution. Ecologie. ECOLOGY.