Design news [electronic resource]. Supplement accompanies issues for <11.08.04-> with title: Motion control Supplement accompanies issues for with title: Trend watch Supplement accompanies issues for with title: Automation and motion control - Highlands Ranch, Colo. : Reed Business Information Newton, MA : Cahners Publishing Co. Santa Monica, CA : UBM Canon - Monthly, - Monthly, 1946-Sept. 1951 Semimonthly, Oct. 1, 1951-Dec. 15, 1957 Biweekly, Jan. 6, 1958- Semimonthly, Monthly (except semimonthly in Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Sept., and Oct.), - v. 1- Nov. 1946- Ceased in print with: Vol. 71, no. 12 (December 2016).

"News for design engineers."

License restrictions may limit access.

Issues for 1993 and 1994 both designated as v. 49.

Supplements accompany some issues.

Directory issues, 1978- : Design news. Fastening directory; Design news. Power transmission directory; Design news. Fluid power directory; Design news. Materials directory; Design news. Electrical/electronic directory, published March, May, July, Sept., Nov.; <1996>-2003: Design news. OEM directory; 2004- OEM supplier directory, issued as a joint supplement with: Product design and development.

= Design news = Des. news



010951210 DE-101 160733-9 DE-600 D06255000 DNLM

Industrial design--Periodicals.
Engineering design--Periodicals.
Conception technique--P�eriodiques.
Engineering design.
Industrial design.

Electronic journals.

TA175 / .D4
