Arkansas business and economic review [electronic resource]. - [Fayetteville], [Center for Business and Economic Research] - Quarterly - v. 1-33, no. 4; Aug. 1968-winter 2000.

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Issued 1968- by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Industrial Research and Extension Center of the College of Business Administration, University of Arkansas.

Supersedes: The Arkansas economist, and: The Arkansas business bulletin.

= Arkansas business and economic review = Ark. bus. econ. rev.


sf 78000510

�Economie politique--P�eriodiques.
Economic history.

Arkansas--Economic conditions--Periodicals.
Arkansas--Conditions �economiques--P�eriodiques.

Electronic journals.

HC107.A8 / A64

HI.F 3/39-6: A 7/v.-no.