Entrepreneur Power Plays How the World's Most Dynamic Thinkers Reach the Top of Their Game [electronic resource]: - Blacklick : McGraw-Hill Companies, The Jan. 2008

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Annotation Learn the PlaysMake Your Move*Keep your competitive edge like Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Google*Brew a better business with David Schomer at Espresso Vivace Roasteria*Discover Linus Torvald's model at Linux, Inc. to turn your teams into profit-turning pros*Find a Second Life in new opportunities the way Linden Labs doesAnd get in the game with the Monday Morning strategies and inside plays of the world's top business champions.

Trade The McGraw-Hill Companies

9780071486323 0071486321 (Perfect) USD 16.95 Retail Price (Publisher)


0071486321 00016072

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